How Do I Uninstall Microsoft 2008 Office For Mac


After upgrading to Catalina, Microsoft Office 2008 will no longer work, so I would like to uninstall it. (I wasn't using it anyway, so I'd like to reclaim the space.) Ordinarily, when someone asks, 'How do I remove Office 2008?' the answer is 'Run the 'Remove Office' application.' However, we have a chicken-and-egg situation; the Remove Office application doesn't run under Catalina, either! (If I had known then what I know now, I would have run the Remove Office application before upgrading to Catalina.)

How Do I Uninstall Microsoft 2008 Office For Mac Windows 10

I suppose that I could just throw the 'Microsoft Office 2008' folder into the trash, but I suspect that Office has tentacles in lots of places, which why they provided an application for cleaning everything up.

Any thoughts on how I can completely remove Microsoft Office 2008 after having upgraded to Catalina?

Automatically uninstall Microsoft Office 2008 with MacRemover (recommended): No doubt that uninstalling programs in Mac system has been much simpler than in Windows system. But it still may seem a little tedious and time-consuming for those OS X beginners to manually remove Microsoft Office 2008 and totally clean out all its remnants. Jan 31, 2020 Part 1: How To Manually Uninstall Office 2008 on Mac. Step 1: Open Finder Applications Office 2008: Step 2: After moving the Office 2008 app file to Trash, these are still Office 2008 related files behind, like preference settings, log files. Step 3: You may see a large amount of system file. Oct 10, 2019  After upgrading to Catalina, Microsoft Office 2008 will no longer work, so I would like to uninstall it. (I wasn't using it anyway, so I'd like to reclaim the space.) Ordinarily, when someone asks, 'How do I remove Office 2008?' The answer is 'Run the 'Remove Office' application.' Jul 10, 2013 Removing Microsoft Office on a Mac is as simple as uninstalling the software from your computer. Remove Microsoft Office on a Mac with help from an Apple retail expert in this free video clip. Uninstall Office for Mac 2011 Note: You must be signed in as administrator to do these steps, and you probably already are, if you're using your own Mac. If you're at a Mac that's part of a network at work, you might have to ask someone in your IT organization for help with signing in as administrator. Uninstalling Office 2008 for Mac In following the steps on 'How to completely remove Office 2008 for Mac, I got to Step 2.6 (dbl click Remove Office) and got the message that Office was NOT FOUND. However, I see it in Finder. Go to Macintosh HD Applications and delete the 'Microsoft Office 2008' folder. Go to Macintosh HD Applications and delete the 'Solver' application. Go to Macintosh HD Library Application Support Microsoft and delete the following folders.

If I upgrade to Office 365, it will probably clean up all of the old stuff when it installs, but I don't want to purchase this product.

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