Keyboard Shortcut Superscript Microsoft Word For Mac

Explore keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac. PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts allow you to quickly complete tasks. This is the print version of this page. Brings up the Open tab of the Microsoft PowerPoint dialog box that lets you open files locally and on cloud locations. This is essentially a Mac OS X shortcut key, and not a. Extensive list of Keyboard shortcuts as a word document. Extensive list of Keyboard shortcuts as an excel document A Macintosh Keyboard is available showing general Macintosh keyboard shortcuts Go to Entering and Editing Text in Microsoft Word Go back to Using. Aug 07, 2017 Clickbank For Beginners: How To Make Money on Clickbank for Free (Step By Step 2020) - Duration: 22:47. Santrel Media Recommended for you.

1. Manage Word Documents
Ctrl+NCreate new document
Ctrl+OOpen document
Ctrl+WClose document
Ctrl+SSave document
F12Save document as
Ctrl+PPrint document/ print preview
Ctrl+F6Switch between multiple Word documents
Alt, then f, rOpen Recent (file, recent)

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2. Navigate within Documents
Arrow Left/Arrow RightJump one character to the left / to the right
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctrl+Arrow RightJump one word to the left / to the right
End/HomeJump to the end of a line / beginning of a line
Arrow Down/Arrow UpJump one line down / one line down
Ctrl+Arrow Down/Ctrl+Arrow UpJump one paragraph down / one paragraph up
Page Down/Page UpJump one screen down/ one screen up
Alt+Ctrl+Page Down/Alt+Ctrl+Page UpJump to top / to bottom of visible window
Ctrl+End/Ctrl+HomeJump to end / to beginning of document
F6Cycle through Ribbon/open panes/Status Bar/document window
Ctrl+G/F5Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
Alt+Ctrl+ZGo back to previously edited location in document (up to 4 places)
Shift+F5Go to a the last change or revision. Also works after opening document.
Ctrl+Shift+F5Set, go to and edit bookmarks
Alt+Ctrl+HomeSet Browse Options. Press the arrow keys to select an option, and then press enter to browse through a document by using the selected option
Ctrl+Page Down/Ctrl+Page UpMove to next / move to previous browser object as set in Browse Options
Dialog boxes
TabCycle forward through all options and elements
Shift+TabCycle backwards through all options and elements
Ctrl+TabCycle forward through available pages
Ctrl+Shift+TabCycle backwards through available pages
Alt+underlined letterSelects the option indicated by the letter

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3. Select Text
Shift+Arrow Right/Shift+Arrow LeftExtend selection one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Right/Ctrl+Shift+Arrow LeftExtend selection one word to the right / to the left
Shift+End/Shift+HomeExtend selection to the end / to beginning of a line
Shift+Arrow Down/Shift+Arrow UpExtend selection one line down / one line up
Shift+Page Down/Shift+Page UpExtend selection one screen down / one screen up
Ctrl+Shift+End/Ctrl+Shift+HomeExtend selection to end / to beginning of document
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Down/Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page UpExtend selection to end / to beginning of visible window
Ctrl+AExtend selection to entire document
Arrow KeysCancel selection and return to beginning / to end of selection
F8Turn Extend Mode on: Extend selection without pressing shift
Arrow keys , Page up/Page DownExtend selection in Extended Mode:
F8Extend selection further by word, paragraph, document in Extended Mode
Shift+F8Reduce the size of a selection in Extended Mode
Ctrl+Shift+f8, and arrow keysSelect a vertical block of text in Extended Mode
EscTurn extend mode off
F8Extend a selection to a specific location in a document

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4. Undo, Copy and Paste
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action
Ctrl+YRedo the last action
Ctrl+CCopy selected text or object
Ctrl+XCut selected text or object
Ctrl+VPaste selected text or object
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy text format
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste text format
Ctrl+Alt+VPaste special
Ctrl+v, then Ctrl, then kPaste and keep Source Formatting
Ctrl+v, then Ctrl, then tPaste and keep Text only
Ctrl+F3Cut to the Spike (separate clipboard)
Ctrl+Shift+F3Paste from the Spike
F3Paste AutoText ( after start typing)
Alt+Shift+RCopy the header or footer from previous section of the document

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5. Edit Documents
Insert Special Characters
Alt+Ctrl+CInsert copyright symbol
Alt+Ctrl+RInsert registered trademark symbol
Alt+Ctrl+TInsert trademark symbol
Alt+Ctrl+. (Period)Insert horizontal ellipsis (…)
Alt+Ctrl+-Insert em dash
Alt+Ctrl+[+]Insert en dash
Alt, then n,uInsert Symbol (insert menu)
'/Ctrl+2x`Insert single opening quotation mark
Ctrl+2x 'Insert single closing quotation mark
Type character code and press Alt+XInsert Unicode character, e.g. 20ac
Select character and press alt+XTransform character to Unicode
Alt+character code on numeric keyboardInsert ANSI character
Insert Breaks
EnterInsert paragraph break
Shift+EnterInsert line break without breaking paragraph
Ctrl+EnterInsert page break
Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert column break (break table)
Ctrl+Shift+SpaceInsert nonbreaking space
Ctrl+Shift+- (Hyphen)Insert nonbreaking hyphen
Ctrl+-Insert optional hyphen
Insert Text Elements
Alt+Ctrl+FInsert a footnote
Alt+Ctrl+DInsert an endnote
Ctrl+KInsert a hyperlink
Alt+Shift+IInsert Citation Mark
Alt+Shift+XInsert Index Mark
Move and Delete Text
F2, then move to position and press EnterMove selected text to different position
Shift+F2, then move to position and press EnterCopy selected text to different position
Delete/BackspaceDelete one character to the right / to the left (or delete selection)
Ctrl+Delete/Ctrl+BackspaceDelete one word to the right / to the left
DeleteDelete one character to the right or delete selection
Ctrl+Shift+</Ctrl+Shift+>Decrease / Increase font size one value

Keyboard Shortcut Superscript Microsoft Word For Mac Free

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Shortcut for superscript powerpoint
6. Formats
Format Text
Ctrl+D/Ctrl+Shift+KOpen the Font dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+</Ctrl+Shift+>Decrease / Increase font size one value
Ctrl+[/Ctrl+]Decrease / Increase font size one point
Ctrl+BApply/remove bold
Ctrl+IApply/remove italic
Ctrl+UApply/remove underline
Ctrl+=Apply/remove subscript
Ctrl+Shift+=Apply/remove superscript
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy formatting
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste formatting
Ctrl+Shift+DApply/remove double-underline
Ctrl+Shift+WApply/remove words underline (only words, no spaces)
Ctrl+Shift+HApply/remove hidden formatting
Ctrl+Shift+AApply/remove all capitals
Ctrl+Shift+KApply/remove small capitals
Shift+F3Change between all upper-, first letter upper- and all lower-case
Ctrl+d, then Alt+k and enterApply strike-through formatting (font dialog)
Ctrl+Shift+QChange the selection to the Symbol font
Shift+F1Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Ctrl+Alt+HApply/remove Highlight Text Feature
Format Paragraphs
Ctrl+RRight-align paragraph
Ctrl+LLeft-align paragraph
Ctrl+ECenter-align paragraph
Ctrl+JJustify-align paragraph
Ctrl+M/Ctrl+Shift+MIndent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Ctrl+TIncrease hanging indent
Ctrl+Shift+TDecrease hanging indent
Ctrl+1Set line-spacing to single-space
Ctrl+2Set line-spacing to double-space
Ctrl+5Set line-spacing to 1.5
Ctrl+0 (zero)Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+SOpen or close Styles task pane
Alt+Ctrl+1Apply Heading 1 style
Alt+Ctrl+2Apply Heading 2 style
Alt+Ctrl+3Apply Heading 3 style
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right/Alt+Shift+Arrow LeftPromote / demote Headings
Ctrl+SpaceRemove all manual styles
Ctrl+Shift+NApply Normal style
Ctrl+Shift+SOpen Apply Styles task pane (will not close with pressing it a second time)
Alt+Ctrl+KStart Auto Format

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7. Search and Replace
Ctrl+HOpen traditional find and replace window
Ctrl+h, then Alt+DOpen traditional find window
Alt+Ctrl+y, /Shift+F4Repeat last find after closing find window
Ctrl+TabJump between find menu and document
Alt+Space, Arrow keys and EnterMove find menu window
EscClose traditional search window if active
Ctrl+FOpen (new) search menu in navigation task pane
alt, then w,kOpen and close Navigation pane (View, Navigation)

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8. Manage Word View
Switch Views
Alt+Ctrl+PSwitch to Print Layout view
Alt+Ctrl+OSwitch to Outline view
Alt+Ctrl+NSwitch to Draft view (used to be normal view)
Ctrl+scroll mouseZoom in and zoom out
alt then w, qOpen Zoom Menu (no native shortcut exists for zoom in/ zoom out)
Alt+Ctrl+SSplit the document window
Ctrl+F1Show or hide the ribbon
F10/AltSelect item in Ribbon
EscLeave Ribbon or Submenu
Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Arrow KeysMove left/right/up/down between Ribbon Menus and Sub-Menus
Space/EnterWhen in ribbon Open or activate selected item
Navigation Pane
Alt, then w,kOpen and close Navigation pane (View, Navigation)
F6/Shift+F6With Navigation Pane open: Switch forward / backwards between (1) Navigation Pane, (2) Bottom Taskbar, (3) Ribbon, and (4) Document
Tab/Shift+TabIn Navigation Pane: Move through Navigation Pane options

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9. Tables
Navigate in Tables
Arrow Down/Arrow UpJump one row down / one row up
Tab/Shift+TabJump to (and select) next / previous table cell
Alt+Home/Alt+EndJump to first column/ jump to last column
Alt+Page Up/Alt+Page DownJump to first row / jump to last row
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Ctrl+Arrow RightOne cell to the left / to the right
Select Table Contents
Shift+EndSelect current table cell
end, then shift+HomeSelect content of current table cell
Press and hold shift and press arrow keys repeatedlyExtend selection to adjacent cells
Ctrl+Shift+f8, then pressExtend selection or block
Alt+5 on numeric keypad (with numLock off)Select an entire table
Edit Tables
Alt+Shift+Arrow Up/Alt+Shift+Arrow DownMove current row up or down
In first column, press shift+EndSelect row*
In first row press alt+Shift+Page DownSelect column
Shift+DeleteDelete rows* with rows selected
Shift+DeleteDelete columns with columns selected
Alt, j, l, d, rDelete row at cursor
Alt, j, l, d, cDelete column at cursor
Alt, j, l, aInsert row above cursor
Alt, j, l, eInsert row below cursor
Alt, j, l, lInsert column to the left of cursor
Alt, j, l, rInsert column to the right of cursor
Ctrl+TabInsert tab character
tab in last table cellAdd row at the end
*Make sure selection extends past the last column which is number of columns +1. Word shows the selection extended next to the last column.

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10. Outline View
Ctrl+Shift+OSwitch to Outline View
Tab/Shift+TabPromote / Demote a paragraph (or Alt+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right)
Alt+Shift+Arrow Up/Alt+Shift+Arrow DownMove selected paragraphs up / down
Ctrl+Shift+NDemote to body text (set style to normal)
Alt+Shift+[+]/Alt+Shift+-Expand / Collapse text under a heading
Alt+Shift+AExpand or collapse all text or headings
[/ key on the numeric keypadHide or display character formatting
Alt+Shift+LShow the first line of body text or all body text
Alt+Shift+1Show all headings with the Heading 1 style
Alt+Shift+NShow all headings up to Heading n
Ctrl+TabInsert a tab character

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11. Review Documents
F7Choose the Spelling command (Review tab).
Alt+Ctrl+MInsert a comment
Ctrl+Shift+ETurn change tracking on or off
Alt+Shift+CClose the Reviewing Pane if it is open.
Ctrl+Shift+*Display nonprinting characters.
Alt+F10Display the Selection and Visibility task pane.
Ctrl+Shift+GOpen the Word Count dialog box.

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12. Print Documents
Ctrl+PPrint a document (print preview)
EscClose print preview
Arrow keys, Page up /Page DownMove around the preview pages (with focus on preview page*)
Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+EndMove to first page / last page (with focus on preview page)
*Except tabbing, there seems to be no shortcut to jump to preview page. Clicking on it with the mouse is an option

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13. Fields
Alt+Shift+DInsert current date (insert DATE field)
Alt+Shift+PInsert page number (insert PAGE field)
Alt+Shift+TInsert time (insert TIME field)
Alt+Ctrl+LInsert LISTNUM field
Ctrl+F9Insert an empty field
Ctrl+Shift+LInsert a LISTNUM field
Shift+F9Show or hide field code/result of selected field
Alt+F9Show or hide field codes/results of all fields in document
F9Update selected fields*
Alt+Shift+F9Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results
F11/Shift+F11Go to the next field/ previous field
Ctrl+Shift+F7Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document
Ctrl+Shift+F9Unlink a field
Ctrl+F11/Ctrl+Shift+F11Lock a field / Unlock a field
*to update all fields, select the complete document with ctrl+a, then update fields by pressing f9)

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14. Mail Merge
Alt+Shift+KPreview a mail merge
Alt+Shift+NMerge a document
Alt+Shift+MPrint the merged document
Alt+Shift+EEdit a mail-merge data document
Alt+Shift+FInsert a merge field
Alt+Shift+KPreview a mail merge
Alt+Shift+NMerge a document
Alt+Shift+MPrint the merged document
Alt+Shift+EEdit a mail-merge data document
Alt+Shift+FInsert a merge field

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15. The Rest
F1Get Help or visit Microsoft
Alt+SpaceOpen the window menu
Alt+F4Exit Word
Shift+F10Display a shortcut menu (Simulate right mouse button)
Alt+F3Create new Building block with selected texts

Shortcut For Superscript Mac

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Copyright, Trademark and Registered are intellectual property symbols used to mention the legal ownership in documents. On many of the websites, you can frequently see the declaration like “Google, Apple and Microsoft are registered trademarks of the respective companies”. The default Windows and Mac keyboard layouts do not have a key to insert these symbols in documents. Therefore, here we explain how to type trademark and registered symbols on Windows and Mac documents.

Trademark and Registered Symbols Shortcuts

Here is a summary of trademark and registered symbols shortcuts.

Symbol NameTrademark SignRegistered Sign
CategoryEmoji, Enclosed AlphanumericEmoji, Enclosed Alphanumeric
Windows Alt CodeAlt + 0153 or 8482Alt + 0174
Windows KeyboardAlt + Ctrl + TAlt + Ctrl + R
Mac Alt CodeOption + 2122Option + 00AE
Mac KeyboardOption + 2Option + R
Word Shortcut2122 + Alt + X2122 + Alt + X
Office Math AutoCorrect(tm)(r)
HTML Entity Decimal&# 8482;&# 0174;
HTML Entity Hexadecimal&#x 2122;&#x 00AE;
HTML Entity Name& trade;& reg;
CSS Value2122;00AE;
JavaScript Escape Stringu2122u00AE
Unicode PointU+2122U+00AE

Use the HTML entity name and codes without any space.

Trademark and Registered Symbols Definition

Now that you may get confused with “Registered” and “Trademark” as they are two different symbols. In general, trademark is a word, product or symbol of a company like Google™. However, if it is registered in United States Trademark Office, then you can also include the word “Registered” or the symbol ®. Unlike copyright symbol written inline to other text, both trademark and registered symbols are written as superscript. Below is a definition you can use for understanding purposes:

  • Registered Trademark ® – it indicates a word, phrase or symbol is registered with a national trademark office by an individual or company.
  • Trademark ™ – This symbol is generally used to indicate the ownership of a product or service that belongs to an individual or company.

1. Insert ® and ™ in Windows

There are many ways you can insert registered and trademark symbols in Windows documents.

1.1.Using AutoCorrect

When you have enabled AutoCorrect option in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Outlook, typing below will change to symbols.

  • (tm) for trademark ™
  • (r) for registration ®

In case if it is not working, navigate to “File > Info” menu and enable AutoCorrect as shown below.

1.2. Using Symbols Utility

Microsoft Office has a symbols utility that you can use to insert many symbols and special characters.

  • Open Word or any other application and navigate to “Insert > Symbols > Symbol” menu.
  • This will open the “Symbols” utility popup.
  • You can find the trademark and registered symbols here.
  • You can also go to the “Special Characters” tab and search for the symbols. Select the symbol and click “Insert” button to add it on your document.

1.3. Alt Code Shortcut for Trademark and Registered Symbols

If you have desktop computer having a keyboard with number pad then alt code is the easy way to insert these symbols. Press the alt key and type the the number keys on your numeric pad to insert trademark / registered symbols quickly.

  • Alt + 0153 or Alt + 8482 for ™
  • Alt + 0174 for ®

1.4. Using Hexadecimal Code

Only on Windows Microsoft Word, you can use hexadecimal codes with alt and x keys.

  • 2122 + Alt + X for ™
  • 00AE + Alt + X for ®

1.5. Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Since trademarks and registered are popular symbols, Windows has default keyboard shortcuts.

  • Alt + Ctrl + T for ™
  • Alt + Ctrl + R for ®

1.6. Using Windows Emoji Keyboard

Microsoft introduced a quick keyboard in Windows 10 to insert emoji symbols. Press “Win + Dot” keys to open the popup. You can search or type to filter the symbols to insert on your documents.

2. Insert Trademark and Registered Symbols in Mac

On Mac, the method will change Depending upon whether you want to insert on Microsoft Office 365 or Apple iWork documents.

2.1. Keyboard Shortcut

On both Office 365 and iWork documents, you can press “Option + 2” to insert trademark and “Option + R” to make registered symbols. Learn more alt code shortcuts for Mac.

2.2. Using Menu

On Office 365 Mac version, go to “Insert > Symbols > Advanced Symbols…” menu to find trademark / registered symbols. These symbols are available under both “Symbols” and “Special Characters” tabs.

2.3. Using Character Viewer

Similar to Windows Character Map app, Mac also has a quick app called Character Viewer that combines emojis and all other symbols. Press, “Control + Command + Spacebar” and open the Character Viewer app. Type “trademark” or “registered” in the search box to filter the symbol and insert on your documents.

The advantage with Character Viewer app is that you can choose different font variations without customizing yourself.

2.4. Option Code Shortcut

You can use use alt or option codes in Mac by changing the keyboard input method to Unicode Hex Input.

  • Option + 00AE for ®
  • Option + 2122 for ™

3. Service Mark Symbol

There is also a special service mark symbol to use only on services. This is also written as a superscript ℠ similar to trademark. Below are the keyboard shortcuts for service mark symbol in Windows and Mac.

  • Alt + 8480 in Windows documents
  • 2120 + Alt + X in Windows Word
  • Option + 2120 in Mac

4. Using on Web Documents

Use the decimal or hexadecimal codes, If you want to insert registered / trademark symbols in web documents.

  • On HTML documents, use the entity name, decimal or hexadecimal in the format as given in the above table.
  • On CSS, you can use the hexadecimal codes like 00AE and 2122.
  • Use escape strings like u00AE and u2122 on JavaScript documents.

You can also use the enclosed alphanumeric Latin capital R for registered symbol Ⓡ. The alt code shortcuts in Windows is “Alt + 9415” and Mac is “Option + 24C7”.

5. Insert Trademark and Registered Symbols on Android and iPhone

Both trademark and registered are part of Unicode emoji symbols. All smartphones have a dedicated emoji keyboard to insert symbols. Therefore, you can search with the emoji keyboard or type “registered / trademark” to get suggested symbol in the text box.