Microsoft Plain Textbox Control In Mac

  • In this scenario, you can insert a rich text box by dragging a field from the Data Source task pane onto the form template or by inserting a rich text box from the Controls task pane instead, as described in the following procedure: On the form template, place the cursor where you want to insert the control.
  • I want my textbox that it should only accept characters between a to z i.e no numbers and if user enters any number the keypress becomes like desabled. Using c# for windows.
  • Many of the shortcuts that use the Ctrl key on a Windows keyboard also work with the Control key in Word for Mac. However, not all do. To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use Search. Press Command+F, and then type your search words. Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers.

Textbox Html

Microsoft Plain Textbox Control In Mac

2019-11-26  How to create Masked TextBox like windows IP address fields closed Ask Question. How to create a numeric Masked TextBox in WPF that like windows IP Address fields, jump to next area after hit.(DOT) button. If you put a textbox next to this control.


This topic describes the styles and templates for the TextBox control. You can modify the default ControlTemplate to give the control a unique appearance. For more information, see Create a template for a control.

TextBox Parts

The following table lists the named parts for the TextBox control.

PART_ContentHostFrameworkElementA visual element that can contain a FrameworkElement. The text of the TextBox is displayed in this element.

TextBox States

The following table lists the visual states for the TextBox control.

VisualState NameVisualStateGroup NameDescription
NormalCommonStatesThe default state.
MouseOverCommonStatesThe mouse pointer is positioned over the control.
DisabledCommonStatesThe control is disabled.
ReadOnlyCommonStatesThe user cannot change the text in the TextBox.
FocusedFocusStatesThe control has focus.
UnfocusedFocusStatesThe control does not have focus.
ValidValidationStatesThe control uses the Validation class and the HasError attached property is false.
InvalidFocusedValidationStatesThe HasError attached property is true has the control has focus.
InvalidUnfocusedValidationStatesThe HasError attached property is true has the control does not have focus.

Matlab Textbox

TextBox ControlTemplate Example

The following example shows how to define a ControlTemplate for the TextBox control.

The preceding example uses one or more of the following resources.

For the complete sample, see Styling with ControlTemplates Sample.

See also


Windows 窗体 RichTextBox 控件用于显示、输入和操作格式设置的文本。The Windows Forms RichTextBox control is used for displaying, entering, and manipulating text with formatting.RichTextBox 控件执行 TextBox 控件的所有操作,但也可以显示字体、颜色和链接;从文件中加载文本和嵌入图像;和查找指定的字符。The RichTextBox control does everything the TextBox control does, but it can also display fonts, colors, and links; load text and embedded images from a file; and find specified characters.RichTextBox 控件通常用于提供文本操作并显示类似于 word 处理应用程序(如 Microsoft Word)的功能。The RichTextBox control is typically used to provide text manipulation and display features similar to word processing applications such as Microsoft Word.与 TextBox 控件一样,RichTextBox 控件可以显示滚动条;但与 TextBox 控件不同的是,其默认设置是根据需要同时显示水平滚动条和垂直滚动条,并具有其他滚动条设置。Like the TextBox control, the RichTextBox control can display scroll bars; but unlike the TextBox control, its default setting is to display both horizontal and vertical scrollbars as needed, and it has additional scrollbar settings.

使用 RichTextBox 控件Working with the RichTextBox Control

Tkinter Textbox

与 TextBox 控件一样,显示的文本由 Text 属性设置。As with the TextBox control, the text displayed is set by the Text property.RichTextBox 控件具有许多用于设置文本格式的属性。The RichTextBox control has numerous properties to format text.有关这些属性的详细信息,请参阅如何:为 Windows 窗体 RichTextBox 控件设置字体特性和如何:在 Windows 窗体 RichTextBox 控件中设置缩进、悬挂缩进和带项目符号的段落。For details on these properties, see How to: Set Font Attributes for the Windows Forms RichTextBox Control and How to: Set Indents, Hanging Indents, and Bulleted Paragraphs with the Windows Forms RichTextBox Control.为了操作文件,LoadFile 和 SaveFile 方法可以显示和写入多个文件格式,包括纯文本、Unicode 纯文本和 Rtf 格式(RTF)。To manipulate files, the LoadFile and SaveFile methods can display and write multiple file formats including plain text, Unicode plain text, and Rich Text Format (RTF).RichTextBoxStreamType中列出了可能的文件格式。The possible file formats are listed in RichTextBoxStreamType.您可以使用 Find 方法查找文本字符串或特定字符。You can use the Find method to find strings of text or specific characters.

还可以通过将 DetectUrls 属性设置为 true 和编写代码来处理 LinkClicked 事件,对 Web 样式链接使用 RichTextBox 控件。You can also use a RichTextBox control for Web-style links by setting the DetectUrls property to true and writing code to handle the LinkClicked event.有关详细信息,请参阅如何:使用 Windows 窗体 RichTextBox 控件显示 Web 样式的链接。For more information, see How to: Display Web-Style Links with the Windows Forms RichTextBox Control.您可以通过将 SelectionProtected 属性设置为 true来阻止用户操作控件中的部分或全部文本。You can prevent the user from manipulating some or all of the text in the control by setting the SelectionProtected property to true.

Microsoft Plain Textbox Control In Mac Os

通过调用 Undo 和 Redo 方法,可以撤消和重做 RichTextBox 控件中的大多数编辑操作。You can undo and redo most edit operations in a RichTextBox control by calling the Undo and Redo methods.利用 CanRedo 方法,你可以确定用户已撤消的上一个操作是否可以重新应用到控件。The CanRedo method enables you to determine whether the last operation the user has undone can be reapplied to the control.

Vba Textbox

另请参阅See also