Benefits Of Having Microsoft Over Mac

5 compelling benefits of Microsoft Surface Pro 4 to include in your business case. Client Computing Posted on April 3, 2017 by Liz Teodorini. Updated April 3, 2017. When Microsoft entered the hardware industry and introduced specs for the initial Microsoft Surface Pro, some were skeptical about whether it could compete in the. I have become increasingly wary of Apple's marginalisation of Mac, and all too aware of the rapid strides Microsoft has made in recent years. I've decided to take the plunge and switch to Windows.

  1. 2015-4-14  Ok, I don't want this to turn into a fire storm or have a bunch of people drooling over Apple, but I want to know what the advantages of having a Mac over a PC.
  2. The war between Mac and Windows devotees has been raging for decades, and last week we asked you to weigh in. Today we're taking a look at the best arguments on both sides to offer a clear picture.

If you haven't upgraded to Microsoft Office 365 yet, here are 10 good reasons why you should. Our Affiliated team offers convenient, turnkey solutions for installation, migration, and implementation of the Office 365.

1) Seamless Coordination with the Tools You Already Know
Office 365 works seamlessly with the programs you already know and use, including Outlook, Word, Excel, OneNote, Publisher and PowerPoint. These tools provide the same great features you rely on as well as powerful capabilities in Office 365. With multiple subscription levels in Microsoft Office 365, you can see if others are editing the document you’re using, synchronize documents with your desktop, broadcast PowerPoint presentations, and check documents in and out of your online document library.

2) Anytime, Anywhere Access
Microsoft® Office 365 provides web-enabled access to email, important documents, contacts, and calendar on almost any device—including PCs, Macintosh computers, iPhones, Android phones, and BlackBerry smartphones. It frees you to work where and when you choose, letting you respond to important requests right away, from almost any location. With the ability to access email and documents from your mobile device, you don’t need to hurry to the office or look for a WIFI hot spot. And if you’re traveling without access to Microsoft Office, Office 365 helps you view and edit documents from the most popular web browsers on PCs and Macintosh computers. Take control of when and where you work with Office 365.
3) Easily Communicate and Collaborate Inside and Outside Your Organization
With Office 365, you can create a password-protected portal to share large, hard-to-email files both inside and outside of your organization, giving you a single location to find the latest versions of files or documents, no matter how many people are working on them. Send instant messages to colleagues and customers and invite them to participate in online meetings where you can review documents or take control of a desktop.
4) Simple to Learn, Straightforward to Use
Office 365 is easy to try, simple to learn, and straightforward to use. You don’t need to learn new software, install complicated systems, or learn new jargon. In just a few minutes, you can create a trial account and see how easily your business can be “in the cloud” with benefits usually found only in larger organizations.
5) Email, Collaboration, and Online Meeting Solutions
Microsoft has years of experience delivering scalable, secure online solutions. Enhance your Office experience with Office 365 features like a 50-gigabyte (GB) mailbox that accommodates attachments up to 25 megabytes (MB), calendaring, contacts, online meetings, instant messaging, document collaboration and more. With Office 365, you can take advantage of these easy-to-use solutions and advanced features at a small-business price.
6) Safety and Security
Security is priority at Microsoft data centers. With Office 365, you can use the same systems used by Microsoft and other enterprises worldwide to help protect email, documents, and networks. These systems scan your messages and documents for spam and malicious software (also called malware) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Microsoft data centers help safeguard your data and are certified to meet multiple industry-standard certifications.

7) No Requirement for Advanced IT Knowledge
Office 365 administration is designed for organizations without IT staff, so you can easily set up and use the features, helping you focus on your business rather than on learning menus and technical lingo. Perform administrative tasks using an intuitive, web-based portal that is accessible only to people you designate. The online portal provides step-by-step instructions on how to add users and set up your account so your employees can quickly start using Office 365.
8) 99.9% Financially-Backed Uptime Guarantee
Office 365 is built from the ground up for reliability, availability, and performance. Our proven service is powered by the same Microsoft email and collaboration products that businesses of all sizes have been using for decades.
Office 365 helps safeguard your critical data with geo-redundant, enterprise-grade reliability and disaster recovery with multiple datacenters and automatic failovers and a strict privacy policy. Office 365 is designed to deliver reliability, availability, and performance with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially backed service level agreement (SLA).
9) Flexibility for Your Business
With Office 365, you get pay-as-you-go pricing options that give you predictability and flexibility for your business. Office 365 also offers great flexibility by allowing you to easily provide users with only the services they need, cost-effectively adding value to your business.
10) Professional Face for Your Business
Using professional services like Office 365 tells potential customers that you’re serious about business. With these state-of-the-art but easy-to-use collaboration, mail, and messaging services, you can set yourself apart from organizations that use free or ad-supported services. A custom domain name further enhances your branding, and Office 365 includes design tools to easily create a professional, public-facing website in minutes.

Let me know if we can help you get Microsoft Office 365 up and running.

Mike Moran, President of Affiliated Resource Group

Advantages of MAC Over PC


Should you consider buying a MAC rather than a PC? What are the advantages of MAC over PC? Let’s find out!

Well, now that you have decided that you can no longer put off buying a computer for your home, it’s time for you to decide on MAC vs PC which is the best for you? Well, both have their share of pros and cons – it all depends upon whether the pros manage to outweigh the cons in your individual case, based upon your unique computing requirements, or not! Enlisted here are various MAC vs PC pros and cons followed by advantages of MAC over PC to help you decide among the two! Read along carefully to understand what suits your needs and budget the best with regards to the benefits of MAC vs PC!

Pros and Cons of Preferring MAC Over PC

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The following pointers throw a generalized light on the cases for and against preferring a MAC over a PC to better evaluate the benefits of MAC vs PC. Read along to get a clearer idea!

Cases For MAC Over PC

  • Uncompromised performance quality even at the risk of capturing lesser market share is what makes MAC a clear winner over PC when it comes to computing quality and performance. You see, Apple Computers target only the elite and the premium users who know computers well and value quality above everything else!
  • The best factor among all benefits of MAC vs PC is that MAC is more resilient to invasions by computer viruses and hackers. Apple Inc. incorporates various state-of-the art security software in their products which equip MACs to put up their guard against viruses and malware.
  • Apple is known for providing excellent software support to its customers and users and the Apple guarantee is one to be reckoned with! Besides, if you own other Apple gadgets like iPhone or iPod, MAC makes it easier to sync these devices with your computer!

Cases Against MAC Over PC

  • The first and foremost disadvantage of buying a MAC compared to buying a PC is the cost of MAC vs PC! PCs come in an array of price ranges and there are quite a lot of economy yet advanced models that meet complicated computing requirements at a pocket-friendly price! There are also some PC brands and models which come at a higher price than a latest MAC too but the bottom line is PCs come with a wider variety, be it price, quality or features!
  • Another advantage of PC over MacBook is the fact that PCs offer more flexibility to users in terms of customization, choice of operating system, speed, computer memory, graphics acceleration and other hardware paraphernalia.
  • Most PCs have backward compatibility, a feature denied to MAC users. This is one of the most prominent advantages of PC vs Macintosh!
  • In terms of accessory compatibility, PCs offer more variety and flexibility which is what makes them great gaming platforms and multimedia options.

Advantages of Using MAC Over PC

The two foremost considerations that outweigh all other factors when it comes to getting a computer for oneself are security and performance quality! It is in these two considerations where the real advantages of MAC over PC reside! Is MAC worth buying over a PC? The following advantages would certainly incline your decision towards the affirmative!

Reliable Security

The advanced security software and superior Apple guarantee act as bitter pills for most computer viruses and malware, which can be seen in the rarity of infections and invasions suffered by MACs as compared to regular PCS!

Smooth Sync

The unparalleled compatibility between MAC hardware and software translate into better and more efficient computing performance and experience! Also, with the ubiquity of other Apple products like iPod and iPhone, MAC emerges as the computer of choice that syncs with these devices as smoothly as a hot knife melts its way through butter!

OS Flexibility

Benefits of having microsoft over mac free

While you can easily install Linux or Windows on a MAC in the event that you need to, you cannot install OS X (MAC OS) on a normal Windows PC!

Low on Downtime

Owing to robust programming, MAC suffers from lesser downtime involved in repair, reformatting, etc., than regular PCs!

Benefits Of Having Microsoft Over Mac Pro

If Looks Could Kill…

…MAC definitely would! There are a lot of PCs that are attractively designed while there are also some that look bulky and dowdy! However, MACs come in their signature streamlined shapes and smart, cutting edge designs that spell nothing but class! No annoying sticker or promotional tags to mar the view!

After reading the above advantages of MAC over PC, what do you think? My votes are with MAC. Consider this, if you’re going to get yourself a computer for purely browsing and gaming purpose, you may consider a PC. However, if your considerations rest upon more complex functionalities and processes, it would do you good to go for a MAC. After all, it is quality that lasts – everything else just thrills for a short while!

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